Trade Show Design

EXHIBIT GLOBAL offers our clients a full turnkey solution. We aim to work closely with our clients to ensure objectives are met and budget constraints considered when it comes to the exhibition stand design process.

Our exhibition Stand Designers are specialists in trade show design with the core focus of ensuring that your next trade show booth design stands out at your next exhibition. Engaging and attractive trade show design is useful in grabbing the maximum attention of guests and visitors. Your Exhibit design reflects the key message of your brand.

At EXHIBIT GLOBAL, it all begins with your trade show design brief.

When we begin the design process for a new trade show both, there are always standard questions we will ask our potential clients. The more information we are given, the better we can understand your business, your target audience and your goals for the event – and the more we understand you, the better chance we’ll have of being able to design and configure the perfect trade show design for your brand.

It may seem like a lot of information but the more information we are given at the initial stages, the easier the trade show design process becomes.

Exhibit Global have been in this industry for over 20 years and we are knowledgeable about what the pitfalls are, to avoid any issues in the future – and to give ourselves the best opportunity to design a stand-out exhibition stand for you, here is a list of 10 things to think about when sending us your brief.

1. Who are you? Describe your company; tell us what you sell, how you sell it and to whom. Provide us with a general outline of your company products, services, staff and customers.

2. Who is Your Target Audience? Who are you looking to attract to your stand? Define your target demographic as best you can. The more specific you can be – the better we can focus our design to suit and attract your ideal customer.

3. Provide Branding Provide us with your company logo, corporate colors and any taglines you use. Include any sub-branding – such as product names & product information. Provide as much branding material as you have – brand guidelines/graphic files/PMS colors/brochures/web link. Define your preferred look and feel – stand theme/colors/finishes. Feel free to use descriptive words such as; youthful, corporate, conservative, diverse, established, funky etc. Provide as much reference material as you can such as photos of previous stands or events – tell us what worked, what didn’t – what you liked, what you didn’t. (Images of other spaces that you like the look of can be very helpful.)

4. How Will You Interact How many staff do you intend to have on the stand and what is their role?

Think how attendees will interact with your staff and your brand. Will it be a demonstration, a hands-on experience, a competition, a social media incentive, touchscreen or even a recurring ‘special showcase’ at certain intervals throughout the event. We can offer suggestions if you are unsure.

5. Define Your Floorplan and Flow Have you thought about how your space will flow? Think about what your main draw-card is and how you want to showcase it. Tell us how you want people to move through your stand.

6. Do you Need a Seating/Meeting Space Choose a style that will suit your clients/staff conversations ie: will this be a private area, or a relaxed lounge area, café tables and chairs or just a bar table and stools.

7. Flooring Do you want a raised platform floor to distribute power cables neatly underneath?

8. AV Requirements Will you require AV – screens, computers, tablets, VR?

9. Rigging & Lighting How do you want to light your stand, or do you need hung/rigged banners etc.

10. Budget Restraints This is a very important part of the design brief.